Friday 23 October 2009

Now that the model of my head is complete I need to create a template so that I can place the skin over the model.

First I need to selected the Unwrap UVW modifier, then select face, and use the paint selector to select everything but the ear. Next chose the cylindrical optional and move the cylinder to the Y axis and make sure its center over the model correctly.

Next I put a checkerd material over the head, so I can make all the quads into proportion.

Next I click on the button edit under paramiters, which brings up a new window called edit UV.

Here I used the move, scale and relax tool to put the quads into proportion

Next I need to do the ear, In the same way I selected only the ear, i then used pelt tool to flatten the ear but stretching and relaxing. I then went into the edit UV mode and pulled all the vertices so they where not over lapping

Here is my model

Now I need to go back into edit UV and create both sides of the face and weld them together, and create both my ears, I did this with the use of cloning.

Next I used the Render UVW template to make sure I have removed all overlapping polygons, I then saved the image as a .png file.

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