Friday 23 October 2009

Texture painting

I first imported the .png file into photo shop, I created a new layer called guide which I then gave a foreground colour of blue. I then created a layer mask over the top which selected all of the lines, I then gave them a boarder of 4 pixels. Now I started to copy certain parts of the face from my topology photos, e.g. forehead, eye brows, chin, nose and so on.

I then used 3 main tools to help me connect all of the different features

The Lasso tool
The Patching tool
And the Stamping tool

Here is what the head now looks like

Over all I am happy with the out come of my modelled head. I have learnt to use many different tools and techniques in 3ds Max that I have never used before, especially Unwrap UVW. I was a bit disappointed with the hair on my model, In my reference images my hair was spiked up, and I didn’t have enough time to learn the techniques to give that required effect. So I had to make the front of my hair using the patching and stamping tool. I also felt that parts of the facial structure didn’t look like me like my cheek bones and my nose. If I had more time I would and tweaked them to look more like me.
Overall I really enjoyed this project and was please with what I have learnt and its outcomes.

Now that the model of my head is complete I need to create a template so that I can place the skin over the model.

First I need to selected the Unwrap UVW modifier, then select face, and use the paint selector to select everything but the ear. Next chose the cylindrical optional and move the cylinder to the Y axis and make sure its center over the model correctly.

Next I put a checkerd material over the head, so I can make all the quads into proportion.

Next I click on the button edit under paramiters, which brings up a new window called edit UV.

Here I used the move, scale and relax tool to put the quads into proportion

Next I need to do the ear, In the same way I selected only the ear, i then used pelt tool to flatten the ear but stretching and relaxing. I then went into the edit UV mode and pulled all the vertices so they where not over lapping

Here is my model

Now I need to go back into edit UV and create both sides of the face and weld them together, and create both my ears, I did this with the use of cloning.

Next I used the Render UVW template to make sure I have removed all overlapping polygons, I then saved the image as a .png file.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Creating the Ear

Next I need to create the ear, first I went into Photo Shop to create the topology of the ear, which was done in the same way as before, outlining the features then creating the quads.

And as before when I go back into 3d Max the plane has been updated with the ear topology. Next I hid the head has it would get in the way. I then used the line tool to create the quads, made one spline into editable poly and the attached the rest of the quads.

Now as before I pulled out all the vertices to make this flat shape look like an ear, this is what it looked like with a mesh smooth applied.

Next I unhid the head, I then deleted a few polygons where I will place the ear, next I used the extrude and scale tools to create the back of the ear. I then pulled the vertices which were on the back of the ear towards the vertices on the head. I then attached the ear to the head to make it one element and used the target weld tool to connect the ear to the head.

Creating the Neck and the back of head

Now I need to create the neck and the back of the head, first I need to go back into photo shop and draw the quads for the neck and head.

Now when I go back into 3d max my planes will show the topology lines I just drew. Next I created a sphere and scaled it to fit the size of my head, I then remove the middle and bottoms polygons to leave a round strip than I can work with.

Next I selected the edged of the strip of polygons and with the move and extrude tool, I pull the polygons down to fit in with the topology

Here what it looked like after i finised

Refining with editable poly

First of all I selected the face and changed it into editable poly, chose vertices and made sure they each one was attach together. After welding soft of the lose vertices I then looked for any triangles and turned them into quads by using the cut tool. If I coulded removing the triagle that why I removed a few polygons and drew them back in.
Next I needed to create nostrials, I did this by extruding the edges along the holes that were already there and pulled them back in on them selves.

Next was the lips, these were made using the same method as my nostrials, I extruded the edges a few times and shaped them back into my mouth to make them look like lips.

The next part of my model was to create the eye lids, these were also created the same as both the lips and nostrials

Now I have eye lids I need to create some eye balls, first I need a bitmap of a blue eye

I made a sphere and wraped this bitmap around it the same way I did for my planes by using the UVW Map modifier and then using the gizmo tool to center it correctly.

Here is my model so far with a mesh smooth modifier

Starting the modeling process

Now that I have the reference plates I can start to draw the quads onto 3d max. I did this by using the line tool and following the quads that i drew on my topology

After i have finished making all the quads, i now need to turn one into editable poly, now I can attach all the splines i just made using the attach all tool. Then I welded all the vertices.

Now that I have my quads I need to pull them out to start giving my face some shape. I did this by pulling all the vertices out to match the plane with the side of my face on it.

After I pull the vertices out I used a symetry modifier to created the other side of my face

So now I have the start of my face

Reference Plates

In this post I will be creating my reference plates, first I need to open up 3d max studios.

I created a plane the same pixcel size as my photos i used early, next I opened up the material edited and placed the .psd file of my topolody i made early. I then needed to fit the photos to the correct size on the plane, i did this by using the UVW map modifier then using the gizmo option.

Next I made the second plane I done this by cloning the existing one and rotating 90 degrees. I then used the gizmo option again to fit the photo.